Montesa 123 Plastic Acrylic with Decal
Made in a shape designed to complement the contours of the bike front, the board comes in 8 colours and can be made in three separate finishes- ‘Plastic Acrylic + Vinyl Decal’, ‘Carbon-Fibre Effect- Decal’, and ‘CNC Engraved’. Both the ‘Plastic Acrylic + Vinyl Decal’ option and the ‘Carbon Fibre Effect+ Vinyl Decal’ are made from 3mm plastic Acrylic, and the ‘CNC Engraved’ option is an aluminium PVC composite board made by placing 0.5mm of aluminium between two sheets of 3mm plastic acrylic, so that the aluminium is revealed in the engraving process.
Those looking to customise the board further (by adding names, numbers, extra design elements, or even to change to colours of the logo) can select the ‘Customised’ option below, either via the page or sent as a jpeg/detailed description to It should be noted that the CNC board cannot have additional colour added to it, as it is limited to two colours- the chosen topping acrylic colour, and the silver of the aluminium..Also Please note the CNC Engraved Boards are a Different price so please order from one of the CNC Options
If No Colours are selected the Board in the Picture Will be Sent Out